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Published April 24, 2023

I recently made a video on how to farm Draconic Glamour and I thought I would continue this with a guide on how to farm Incandescent Curio!

As you will know if you watched my previous video, there is a weekly opportunity to gather some additional profession knowledge points towards the Dragonflight Profession in the form of drops around World of Warcraft.

One of these is the Incandescent Curio and to make it easy I will remind you about Tama’s Dragonflight Helper.  This helps you keep a track of what additional knowledge point sources you can still get for the week.

To get the Incandescent Curio, I tend to farm the Crushing Elementals around The Waking Shores and the spot you’re gonna need is the 52.35.  This can also drop from the normal and the elites but for speed I would recommend grouping up the normal mobs as best as you can and group killing them.

I normally get after one or two group kills, but unless you are really unlucky here you will spend less than 5 minutes farming it.

And that’s it, a really quick and simple video on getting Incandescent Curio for some additional Profession Knowledge Points.

If you found the video useful then don’t forget to like the video and subscribe to the channel if you found this helpful.   Hit the notification bell if you don’t want to miss out on any upcoming videos!

In the meantime, take care, stay safe and I’ll see you in the next video!

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